It's my first blog since 2008, and that was in Oct. Hmm...what have I been doing since then?

I haven't really worked for my friend since Dec., trying to figure out what to do school wise when I do go back. I'll most likely eventually go for nursing. Going to have to look for a job still meanwhile.
Been hangout with cool people from my singles ward every now and then since last year. I kind of made some cool friends through there. Tonight is game night so I'm blogging while my hamburger barley simmers, and about 20 - 30 min. before I go to game night. Tomorrow I'm going to a Tolkien thing with a friend, and I also got invited to some party in the evening by another.
I did finally start to get some work done on a story I started summer 2007. I had worked on it a little, but I hadn't been working on stories much lately, though I could have worked on it a little more the last 2 or 3 days. Figured I could better use the time while I have more of it.
I'm hoping that Feb 14th will be better than last year at least.
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