Well, I don't know if I have anything creative at the moment to post, so I'll just fill in everyone a little about what I'm up to.
I'm currently looking for a job, money is tight for me so I could really use one. I was taking care of my abuela, but in May she was having issues and would take some anger out on me, and since she was mi abuela it just got too hard.
I did start going to the singles ward, but I have times even when I feel comfortable and welcome at church I just don't go. I did get new cool visiting teachers though. I went to lunch with 1 last week.
I'll be going to Idaho twice this summer I guess. My cousin Mandi is getting married next month, and then in August I may go see my cousin Tracy(1 of my best friends). Besides I'll get to maybe see her boys again. I haven't seen em since last July when they moved to Idaho. Darius will be turning 5 then too. Wow! Conner is 2 & Darius is almost 5! They grow up too fast huh?
Other then that I just have a lot of spare time and I'm just hanging out.